A downloadable KB

KB, short for KuikBoost ("Quick" Boost), is a 3D racing game that also includes police chases. For now, this is only a prototype for testing the game idea. If you are interested in the game, please let me know in the comments.

In the prototype, you only get to drive 1 car and have 1 objective (escape from the cops). There is also a car showroom.


  • There is a timer displaying how long it took you to escape.
  • There is a small bar on the bottom displaying how close you are to being arrested (the timer is affected by the distance of cops around you and how fast you are going)
  • If the bar is completely green for 30 seconds, you win the level.
  • If the bar is completely red for 5 seconds, you are busted.

I  will add much more to the game when it is finished, for example, more cars, more levels, and free roam ability (driving around the map with no specific objective).

I hope you enjoy the prototype. :)

Published 17 days ago
AuthorWhite Yogurt
Tags3D, police-chase

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